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Boggie - Wars for Nothin (with lyrics)

A zsűri és a nézők döntése alapján 2015-ben, a 60-ik Eurovíziós Dalfesztiválon, hazánkat Csemer Boglárka "Boggie" fogja képviselni a Wars for Nothing című dalával.

Wars for Nothing dalszöveg / lyrics:
"Do you know our earth is a mess
All the wars for nothing, it never ends
Everybody deserves a chance
All the souls, all the souls, can you hear them cry?

That you live in peace does not mean
It’s okey to ignore all the pain
I see children joining the stars
Soldiers walk towards the dark, let me ask

Can you justify all the eyes
That will never see daylight
Give me one good reason to hurt
A helpless soul, break a heart, kill a mind.

Do you know how many innocents
Are hiding from punishment
For crimes they’d never commit
All alone, all alone, do they deserve

To die for believing something else,
For having a face someone can’t stand
Do you know our earth is a mess
All the wars for nothing, it never ends
All the souls, all alone, hold them tight
All the souls, deserve a chance at life"

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Wolf Kati Ne engedj el - DAL 2015 lyrics

Szombaton ismét a Dal színpadán, most már a középdöntőben Wolf Kati dala a Ne engedj el. A DAL 2015 nyertese az év klipje díját veheti át...

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Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.

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